Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions.
Q: What is the location and mailing address for Lighthouse Christian Academy?
A: We are located at 2390 Mount Calvary Road, Hoboken, GA 31542.
Q: How do I contact someone?
A: You can call the office to request more information at 912-722-1167, or email us directly at Our administrative staff will receive and reply to each contact, usually within 24 hours or less.
Q: What are the office hours for Lighthouse Christian Academy?
A: Office hours during the school year are Monday through Friday from 7:30 am - 3:30 pm. Summer hours vary.
Please contact us to schedule a time to meet.
Q: What is the enrollment fee and tuition cost?
A: Tuition and Enrollment fees vary by grade, but can all be found here.​
Q: What grades do you offer?
A: We offer a half-day preschool program for 3- and 4-year olds, as well, as full-day kindergarten through 12th grades.
​Q: What curriculum is used at Lighthouse Christian Academy?
​A: Our curriculum is explained here.
Q: What time can I drop off my student?
A: Early drop-off is 7:00 am for students in K5-12.
Q: Do you have after school care?
A: Yes. After school care runs from 3:15 PM until 6:15 PM for students in grades K5-6.
Q: Do students have a uniform or dress code?
A: Yes. You may view it here.
Q: Are there opportunities for Parent Involvement?
A: YES! We are always looking for ways for our parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and other special friends can join the Lighthouse Family.
Q: Is financial aid available?
A: Yes. Please contact our office for more information.
Q: How do I apply?
A: Our Admissions Page explains.
Q: How does my student begin playing sports?
A: Contact our office.
Q: When do you stop enrolling for the current school year?
A: We offer enrollment for the second semester until the end of 3rd quarter of the current school year. Contact us to discuss specific situations.